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Enroll at Burrton Public Schools

5th graders e.JPG

Author Your Life Story at 
Burrton Public Schools!

We are excited for you to become a part of the Burrton Charger family.  Below you will find all the information you need to enroll as a Burrton Charger.  

After completing the online enrollment OR if you need any assistance, please contact us at (620) 463-3840.

Do not pay for 2024-2025 school fees or lunches for the 2024-2025 school year until August 1, 2024 or after. 

Requirements for School Entry

Immunization Requirements for School Entry

Proof of receiving the immunizations must be provided to the school prior to attending the first day of school.

All required/recommended vaccines can reduce the disease burden in school-aged children, thus helping to assure that students will be in school ready to learn.  Completely immunized school aged children are vital in protecting other more vulnerable populations from the devastating effects of the diseases that immunizations can prevent.

Immunization Requirements for K-12 

Health Assessment

Kansas law requires that all students, eight and under, who are enrolling in a Kansas school for the first time present health assessment information. The assessment needs to have been conducted within the last 12 months before school entry.

Kan Be Healthy - English

Assessment Form

Immunizations and health assessments are available at the Harvey County Health Department by appointment throughout the year. Appointments can be made by calling 283-1637. Upon request, services will be offered on a sliding fee schedule based on income and number of persons in the family.

Kan Be Healthy - Spanish

Assessment Form

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